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St. Petersburg Institute of Psychotherapy and

Medical Psychology named after B.D. Karvasar

2) Professional training program in the specialty "Clinical (Medical) Psychology"

The program is intended only for individuals with higher education in the field of psychology and students of senior courses of psychological faculties.

Non-specialized specialists can take this course only with a 1- point professional training program .

Upon completion of training, graduates receive a Diploma of professional retraining with the qualification "Clinical Psychologist" in accordance with the Federal Law of 29.12.2012 №273-FZ "On Education in Russia".

Статус Диплома, выдаваемого Институтом имени Б.Д.Карвасарского

Перечень иностранных государств, включая страны СНГ, с которыми у РФ действуют соглашения о взаимном признании документов об образовании:


Международные соглашения по признанию документов об образовании Департамент международного сотрудничества в образовании и науке Минобрнауки России степенях и ученых званиях (Москва, 23 сентября 2002 г. - стр.61 ст.4)

СОГЛАШЕНИЕ между Правительством Российской Федерации и Правительством Азербайджанской Республики о взаимном признании документов об образовании


Вывод: дипломы признаются без нострификации

Можете пройдите по ссылке и найдите в списке стран - Азербайджан стр.65 - foreign-diploma

Комплексная Программа «Клинический Психолог»

Длительность обучения: 18 месяцев

Начало обучения: сразу после регистрации  


Стоимость обучения: 300 азн в месяц

При 100% предоплате можете получить скидку 900 азн 

Volume of programs: 1224 uch. hours

Duration of training: 12 months

Beginning of training: June 1, 2021

Cost: 2980 azn (for teams of Schools of Psychology 2560 azn) , it is possible to pay in installments up to 12 months - 300 azn per month.

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The program of the cycle "Clinical Psychologist":

1) Access to part-time training programs.
Volume: 576 ac.h. Dates: from June 1, 2021 - until June 1, 2022
Format: correspondence training.

In the tense of the inward, the smoky.

2) Modern clinical and psychological diagnosis.
Volume: 144 ac.h. Dates: from June 3 to September 3, 2021
Format: Full-time study (self-study materials and online zoom conference).

In the tense of the inward, the smoky.

3) Training in professional communication. Contract in psychotherapy. Volume: 72 ac.h. Dates: June 7 - 12, 2021

Format: Full-time training with the use of remote technologies (zoom platform).

4) Modern clinical psychology. Becoming a professional identity. Medical model of psychotherapy and clinical-psychological intervention in the practice of clinical psychologist.

Volume: 72 ac.h. Dates: July 12-17, 2021

Format: Full-time training (departure cycle in Baku).

Teaching staff: Klimov AA, Bubnova IV

5) Psychiatry for psychologists.

Volume: 36 ac.h. Date: August 15 - September 15, 2021

Format: Full-time study (self-study materials and online zoom conference).

6) Clinical psychotherapy. Personally-oriented training of dynamic psychotherapeutic group.

Volume: 72 ac.h. Dates: October 11-16, 2021.

Format: Full-time training (departure cycle in Baku).

Teaching staff: Rector of the Institute Nazyrov RK

7) Modern approaches to psychotherapy of crisis situations, neurotic disorders and psychosomatic illnesses.

Volume: 144 ac.h. Date: September 15, 2021 - January 15, 2022.

Format: Full-time study (self-study materials and online zoom conference).

8) Modern cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy.

Volume: 36 ac.h. Date: January 15 - May 15, 2022

Format: Full-time study (self-study materials and online zoom conference).

9. The final project - the organization of psychotherapeutic services and work in departments and centers of clinical psychology and psychotherapy - 72 ac.

1) Professional training on the program "Psychology"

The program is intended only for individuals with higher education, not dependent on specialization, who want to start building their careers.

At the end of the development program will be issued a diploma of professional retraining with the qualification "Psychologist. Teacher of Psychology ", developed in accordance with the Federal Law of 29.12.2012 №273-FZ" On education in the Russian Federation ".

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