Kanan Rahimov
In the tense of the inward, the smoky.
2017 - ... - Scotland
Ragimoff LP
Founder and director of the company
Produced Mobile Application and represented in the world market,
Author of the Garnet program and a leading business development specialist.
In the tense of the inward, the smoky.
2012 - .... - Hong Kong
"Ragimoff HK Ltd."
Founder and director of the company
Develops his activities as a film producer and screenwriter,
Trains HR and Marketing Specialists as GTC Director,
Organizes and conducts business development projects,
Provides direct training and consulting services to Azerbaijani companies.
In the tense of the inward, the smoky.
January 2008 -... - Baku
Global Training and Consulting
In the tense of the inward, the smoky.
Founder and director of the company - 09.2008 - ...
Develops Strategic and Operational Plan,
Implements projects, general management,
Training specialists, building relationships with customers,
Development of new services and programs,
Increasing the material and moral values of the company
Head of "HR School" - 11.2008 - ...
Training of Human Resources specialists - more than 500 graduates
To support HR professionals to succeed in companies
Since November 29, 2008, when he was the director of GTC, he has started the program of the project called "School of HR" and, as the head of this project, is constantly improving the curriculum. Currently, the Assessment Center conducts experiments on styles and management psychology, conducts research, and strives to develop the "School of HR".
In 2011, he created a new "Employee Suitability" method - BSC, 360 degrees, Thomas method, with the accuracy of which he could not pass psychological and knowledge tests, this method provides employees with a measure of suitability for the job, salary and bonus system, allows.
Head of "Sales School" - 01.2008 - ...
Sales System Establishment Consulting
Writing a Marketing Plan
Marketing consulting
Leadership, Management, Leadership, Sales
... and organizing trainings on other topics
He has been working for GTC since January 2008. As a specialist in Management Psychology and Business Communications (mainly sales and team building), he develops professional training programs at Global Training and Consulting, and manages management and marketing consulting projects.
He is the head of the "Sales School" project. Conducts corporate trainings and master classes. More than 3,000 Azerbaijani citizens have already participated in his trainings. More than 3,000 Azerbaijani citizens have already participated in the trainings.
After conducting a one-day assessment of 232 people at the Bank of Baku in 2006, he improved the test program in this area, created an internal network assessment program based on the VeralSoft program, which is used as a recruitment tool in many companies, 2011 Employees of the Bank of Baku were evaluated again in the improved program in
In the tense of the inward, the smoky.
2003- 2004, 2005-2008 - Baku
"Regional Psychology Center"
In the tense of the inward, the smoky.
Director of the center
Recognition of RPM as a professional organization in Azerbaijan.
Participation of RPM specialists in radio and TV channels.
Conducting professional trainings in the field of business psychology.
Cooperation with Vital Clinic, provision of psychotherapeutic care.
From 2003 to 2007, as the head of the Regional Center for Psychology, he was recognized as a well-known specialist in management psychology with his unique performances on many radio and TV programs in Azerbaijan, conducting several public projects.
2004-2005 - Ganja
"Military unit N"
In the tense of the inward, the smoky.
Chief of Medical Center
The organization of medical care was awarded an honorary diploma.
Establishment of Medical Center Lazaret Isolator.
I received the military rank of senior lieutenant of the medical service.
In the tense of the inward, the smoky.
2002-2003 - St. Petersburg, Russia
X-Ray outerwear store
Store Manager
Organization of the store
Recruitment and training of new employees
Development of sales channels
Order new goods
In the tense of the inward, the smoky.
1999-2001 - Baku
Psychology Center of "Billik" Society
In the tense of the inward, the smoky.
Organization of psychological consultations.
Conducting psychological trainings.
In the tense of the inward, the smoky.
1998-1999 - Baku
Bakfarmbüro Ltd. "Pharmacist's Bulletin" magazine
In the tense of the inward, the smoky.
News column presenter.
Special correspondent of the science column.
Head of Advertising Department.
November 2015 - Invited a graduate of the Hamburg Academy to Baku, where he organized career trainings on Career Coaching and Business Development, as well as "Business Model 4.0", co-sponsored and improved several companies (Badamli, Khozyayushka, Rohaus). ).
2007-2012 - Invited a professional trainer to Azerbaijan, organized trainings for more than 100 teachers, passed and passed personal coaching for improvement.
Ali Shen, a professor at 9 Eylul University in Turkey, studied Strategic Planning, Leadership, and BSC Assessment methods in 2008 and applied them together with local companies (Veyseloglu, DNS Computers, Bank o Baku).
2001-2003 - Participated in many professional trainings in St. Petersburg, Russia, held trainings on Human Resources, Business Development and Management, Sales Psychology at Imaton and Baskov training centers.
Kanan Rahimov in 2003 with a diploma of a professional psychotherapist and a certificate of a specialist
Awarded by VMBexterev Scientific Research Institute:
Diploma: AB-I № 077037
Specialist Certificate: A №2139298
»Educated by Chief Psychotherapist of the Russian Federation BDKarvasarsky and world
Kanan Rahimov, Bekhterev, who worked under the guidance of a well-known psychoanalyst VDVid
He was awarded a red diploma by the Institute named after
»In 2001-2003, he specialized in St. Petersburg and worked in many centers (Imaton,
Baskov, FINEK and others) held professional trainings, and soon with "MTS" in the "Baskov" center
was involved as a trainer on a corporate project.
»Until June 2003, at the Baskov Center, on many management and marketing
participated in corporate projects.
»In June 2003, he continued his professional activity in Baku.
Many local and foreign trainers have participated in the trainings and have received many certificates in order to develop services in various fields and to increase their knowledge.
1994-2001 - Baku - Azerbaijan State Medical University
Faculty: Medical work.
Specialty: Psychiatrist.
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